African Geologists
Since more than 20 years I work regularly with African contract geologists and / or consultant geologists. Their
professional input into the various projects has always been highly appreciated. Before starting a new project, I usually try to get in touch with local geologists. This is not always a simlple task as they are
commonly not to be found on the Internet. Therefore, I decided to create this page which is meant to be a platform for my colleagues in Africa.
The links below will get you to their CVs, you may also download their CVs in pdf-format in the Downloads section. Please direct your enquiries directly to them. CVs from Geologists of other countries will follow.
Please note that all featured geologists are responsible for the content of their respective resumes.
Contract / Consultant GIS and Database Manager from Ivory Coast / Côte d’Ivoire:
Mr. Nakia AIZI, Senior GIS and Database Manager
Contract / Consultant Geologist from Togo:
Mr. SAMARO Mazabalo, Senior Explorat
ion Geologist
Contract / Consultant Geologist from Algeria:
Dr. Belkacem TOUAHRI, Senior Economic Geologist
Contract and Consultant Geologists from Madagascar:
Mr. Rocky Lowell RAKOTOSON, Senior Exploration Geologist
Mamisoa RAZANADRAIBE, Senior Exploration Geologist
Mr. Lanto RABEFARITRA, Exploration Geologist
Mr. Léon Gabriel RANDRIANASOLO, M.Sc., Senior Economic Geologist
Mr. Mbelo RAKOTOANDRIANA, Economic Geologist
Mr. Ranjasolo RAKOTONDRAZAKA, Exploration Geologist
Mr. Vonjy ANDRIANIRINA, Exploration Geologist
Contract / Consultant Geologists from Burkina Faso:
Mr. Robert SANHAMA, M.Sc., Senior Exploration Geologist & Computer Engineer
Mr. O. François OUEDRAOGO, Senior Economic Geologist & Mining Environmentalist
Contract / Consultant Geologist from Chad:
Mr. MOUTAYE Hamit, M.Sc. PhD, Senior Economic Geologist, Director of Mines and Geology